Yesterday I feel like I hit the proverbial "wall" when it comes to the Whole 30. What it boils down to is that I was tired and nothing sounded good as far as eating. Last night I skipped dinner and only had fruit. Actually, I think maybe I might be coming down with something because my stomach is not happy at all. This is where I really need to stick to my guns and not give in- even though I have this excuse of notfeelinggoodthereforeIcaneatwhateverIfeellike.
This is the part of the WOD where you want to give up, quit fighting. I need to dig deep- find the energy and inspiration to find something tasty yet gentle for my tummy while adhering to the strict Whole 30 guidelines. I know I can do it- I am not giving up now. I have definitely come too far for that!
Do you drink soda? I quit (except for the occasional coke in my rum) about a year and a half ago. I think I talked about this before- I was a slave to Diet Coke. I also would drink Diet Barq's and Diet Dr Pepper. You know what? Soda is expensive! We as a family used to go through cases of soda on a monthly basis. And people complain that eating "healthy" is expensive? Know what we drink now? Water!! My kids no longer ask for sweet juice drinks but directly to the tap (or grab a water bottle if we have some in the house) and fill up their glass. Yes- they will still drink Gatorade or soda if it is available to them, but they do not complain about drinking water like they used to. I personally don't really like the flavor anymore. I DO like the fizzes though. When I crave something carbonated I drink Pellegrino or club soda. My other drink of choice (besides coffee) is coconut water. I admit I did not like it at first- and that was because my tongue was used to artificially sweet diet Coke. But now I love coconut water. I try not to drink too much because it IS sweet and I don't want to be too reliant on the sugar it provides (albeit natural- I never buy anything but pure coconut water- no sugar added). It the best drink in the summer time, especially after a gruesome work out in the sun. I call it "Nature's Gatorade" as it replenishes those electrolytes lost to sweat.
My favorite brand is Amy & Brian's- pictured below. I used to buy this all of the time in Japan at the commissary on base. Unfortunately they don't carry it here in State-side commissaries. Boo. I found them last weekend at Whole Foods, and I only bought one- it was $3! I would say in this case it was more expensive than soda. Luckily Costco carries VitaCoco in cases of 12(?). I always stock up whenever we go. VitaCoco is good too, but Amy & Brian's is my fave.
What do you like to drink?
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