Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 16 cocoNUTS!

Day 16!  I am over the hump.  It has gone pretty quickly for me, as this year is flying by already.  I feel great.  I have so much more energy than before, my skin looks even better and my clothes are growing.

One thing about Paleo one will find is the use of coconut.  There's coconut flakes (unsweetened), oil (virgin, organic and cold pressed is best), milk, water, butter and aminos (substitute for soy sauce).  One thing that I have heavily relied upon that I have begun to rethink is coconut milk.  I am referring to the canned variety.  The kind that comes in a carton is almost always a big no-no as they add lots of sugar to make it taste good.  The canned variety I am not so sure is all that great either.  At first I was using Goya and a couple of other brands when I was living in Japan.  It was all I had access to, but I didn't like the fact that they add sulfites.  Here in the US I have found Native Forest's organic coconut milk.  I like the fact that it is organic and does not have sulfites.  However, it does have guar gum.  From what I have read guar gum comes from legumes- specifically soy (don't quote me on that).  Soy is a big no-no as well in a healthy paleo diet.  And the last thing that bothers me is BPA's- the fact that it comes in a can (and does not indicate it is BPA free).

I looked for a homemade version of coconut milk.  And yes- I have found some recipes- all which involve using coconut flakes and then straining the solid pieces out.  It is supposed to be quick- but...

Specifically I use coconut milk in my coffee.  (Yes I use a Keurig and no my coffee is not always organic- don't judge please.)  I have kicked the artificial creamer habit- and that is hard to do.  It was one of the last things I gave up.  Coconut milk works well if you heat up the milk in your mug prior to pouring the coffee in- it helps it to blend.

Seeing how I was trying to kick the canned coconut milk habit- I decided to try something new.  Well some people use butter in their coffee (I have tried it and it's not bad).  So I decided to try coconut butter.  Wow!  It is yummy.  The coffee isn't as creamy- but it has a nice smooth taste with a hint of coconut.  The dregs at the bottom are the best part.  The coconut butter I use is pictured above.  That stuff is the bomb!  I always lick the spoon afterwards.

What do you think?  Would you try it?  I use a good heaping tablespoon.

1 comment:

  1. Ooohh, I've been struggling with my morning coffee - DEFINITELY trying this!!!!
