Friday, April 5, 2013

How Nancy Got Her Groove Back...

I just realized I didn't post for all of March.  That makes a little sad seeing how I started off the year so well.  So goes life, huh?

So to recap from my last post- I announced my two year CrossFit anniversary, posted a yummy recipe and then I fell off the face of the Earth.  Seriously, I fell into a big FUNK.  I had participated in my first ever CrossFit competition in the beginning of March.  It was fun, I seriously enjoyed myself.  Plus, I got to see some old friends, so a good time was had all around.  But...

When it was all said and done I placed like 15 out of 18 in the scaled devision.  And while I was glad not to be last and proud of myself for competing- it wore at me a little by little.  Eventually I just felt flat out depressed about that and everything.  See- I was comparing myself to others.  I was comparing myself- someone who had never ever ever been athletic whatsoever, someone who is quite uncoordinated, to those who are younger, and are natural athletes.  I was feeling bad because these people who have been doing CrossFit for at least half the time that I have- and they were passing me up.  I felt and do still at times, feel, frustrated at how hard I have had to work to get to where I am.  And I am not where I wanted to be at this point!  So you go ahead and put two and two together.... Yep
It was a PITY PARTY.

This is the first place I have even talked about this.  This is a confession, folks.  This is very hard for me to write, very.

So my question is- am I expecting too much from myself- someone who is pushing 40, who HAS made great progress compared to where she was before, and someone who was never athletic to begin with?  Or have I given up too easily?  Do I just need to put on my big girl panties and toughen the EFF up??  Do I just need to work harder and be more consistent?

Probably a little of both sides.

Anyhoo, I am back at it again.  I picked myself up off the floor, wiped my tears, and hit the gym.

But do you want to know what is really inspiring me to go at it, and go harder?  My husband.  He finally started CrossFitting with me.  I have been bugging him forever to go.  And he finally did it.  He drank the Kool-Aid (Paleo of course.)

I can't tell you how excited I was for him to join me.  Maybe with his permission he will let me post before and after pics.  He is going to do his first Whole 30 with me next month.  This is going to be epic.

So now, I have to set that example.  Yeah maybe I suck sometimes, but as long as I am giving it my all then who cares?

I don't know if I have posted this before- but I found this on Facebook and thought it hit the mark:

I think I need more bacon....