I have a bad, bad Friday at work. I confess it is not my top choice of employment and I am just biding my time there. But- I still want to give it my all and be successful while I am still employed there. Last Friday was crazy busy and the people I dealt with were NASTY. Without going into more detail lets just say I was very discouraged and a few times I almost started bawling in the middle of it all. I really had a hard time keeping it together. On the way home I did cry my eyes out and even screamed a few times- that is how frustrated I was.
So what would a cavegirl do in this situation? She would go home, hug her children and then get a killer work out in. Did I do that? Of course not!
I went home, filled a glass full of ice and splashed it with Captain Morgan and Coke and cooked up a pan of Bertollis' pasta for dinner. I also had ice cream, and I don't know how many Reese's miniatures. All to make me feel better- I did this. Did I feel better? No- in fact I felt awful and sick to my stomach. The next morning I woke up with a puffy face- yes I was crying but the alcohol and sugar (and grains and crap) made it worse.
Why do I punish my body to make myself feel better? It's that whole "comfort food" thing we are so programmed to. I was kicking myself for it every time I looked in the mirror. My stomach threw a huge fit as well.
Saturday I did not do any better- I spent the day watching movies with my daughter and eating whatever I felt like. I knew it was wrong to eat that crap but I felt like I "deserved" to indulge.
This morning I felt better, and resolved once again to eat clean. I cooked up my chicken thighs for the week and roasted the two organic chickens I had in the fridge (see picture). I cut up about 4 or 5 sweet potatoes, layered them around the chicken with sweet onion wedges. I added sea salt, a cinnamon/chili rub and garlic powder. I roasted them at 350 for (oh my gosh I can't remember I think a little less than an hour- but I checked the temperature to make sure they were fully cooked- 180 degrees.) The result? So friggin' delicious!! The chicken was moist and the sweet potatoes perfectly cooked. I have a new thing for roasting sweet potatoes. My family still prefers white- but I will never go back. Sorry I didn't take a picture of the final product. There is still a lot of chicken left over- I will try for a pic tomorrow.
So today was almost completely paleo- except for those two squares of bacon chocolate I had. Have you tried that stuff? It takes chocolate to a whole new level. I am not kidding- so good there has to be crack in it.
As a renewed commitment to health and fitness I went back to my CrossFit personal journal. I have been recording everything in Beyond the Whiteboard (love the new app by the way)- and I let my handwritten journal fall by the wayside. So I went back and started writing everything down again- and continued my WOD count. It is something I started at the beginning- numbering each completed WOD. I have over 200 under my belt now. Would have liked to have done more- but that is still quite an accomplishment for me. March will be my two year anniversary. I made two goals for myself- 200# deadlift and 100# squat clean. I have more thoughts on goals and self-sabotage- but I will save that for another post. Good night!